Insulet have been awarded $452 million in a dispute with EO Flow over use of Omnipod's trade secrets.

In a significant legal victory, a federal jury in the US has awarded Insulet Corporation (manufacturer of Omnipod) $452 million in a patent dispute with Korean owned medtech company EOFlow, centering on the design of Omnipod insulin patch pump technology. The trial took 4 weeks resulting in a jury decision that EOFlow, along with several other defendants, had misappropriated Insulet’s trade secrets.
The verdict includes $170 million in compensatory damages and an additional $282 million in exemplary damages, reflecting the willful and malicious misappropriation by EOFlow.
"We are extremely pleased with the jury’s verdict, which validates our commitment to protecting our technology and defending our intellectual property against misappropriation and infringement," said Jim Hollingshead, Insulet President and Chief Executive Officer. "We will not only enforce our patents, but also zealously protect our valuable trade secrets, in which we’ve invested heavily to improve the lives of people with diabetes."
While this marks a major milestone for Insulet, the final judgment is still pending approval by a judge and it is uncertain whether EOFlow has the ability to fulfill the awarded damages.
The dispute began in 2023 when Insulet filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. The company alleged that EOFlow had unlawfully copied patented elements of its Omnipod insulin pump system, a key product for Insulet.
This decision is important for safeguarding intellectual property in the rapidly evolving medtech industry.
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The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
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